SafeGraph is a premium, global points of interest (POI) data provider.

Data • Founded 2018 • $45M Series B ($61M total funding)

We partnered for 3 months on product marketing and sales enablement.

The Challenge

Refine positioning and messaging and update website and sales collateral to attract more qualified sales leads.

SafeGraph has an excellent product and, when they came to us, their website and sales pipelines were generating a lot of leads. But they weren’t attracting enough of the high-quality, target-audience leads they needed to close deals. They were familiar with Olivine’s work and knew we could develop a product marketing strategy that would speak more directly to their ideal customers. We worked with SafeGraph’s product, sales, and marketing teams to articulate new target personas and strategically narrow their positioning. We then refined SafeGraph’s website and sales collateral with messaging aimed at pulling in customers that would grow their business.

“Working with Olivine was a very productive experience. Everything was very organized and the interaction really forced us to think hard about key questions and fundamental strategies. And we're better off for having completed the exercise.”

Product Manager at SafeGraph

The Deliverables

We produced a targeted positioning and messaging framework that informed new website navigation and pages, a new sales deck, and email sales sequence, and updated email nurture and ad copy.

Over the course of three workshops, we helped SafeGraph’s teams clearly define the ideal customer for their flagship product, the SafeGraph Places dataset, and align around a streamlined positioning and messaging strategy. Armed with this new target and approach, we wrote copy for both a pitch and proposal deck and an email sprint sequence that allowed sales to execute on the new strategy immediately.

We then audited SafeGraph’s website and implemented a refresh that included new personas, product, and pricing pages as well as copy and design updates across the site.

Personas & Jobs to Be Done

Hosted strategic workshops to align on ideal customer profiles, pain points, and motivations.

Positioning & Messaging

Workshopped new positioning and messaging to attract more qualified leads for SafeGraph Places.

Website Audit & Reorg

Assessed SafeGraph’s website for performance and updated the top navigation bar to speak more directly to innovative product builders.

New & Refreshed Website Copy

Created new pages to highlight SafeGraph’s key differentiators—service and quality, data attributes, flexible pricing—and refined copy across the site with new messaging.

Sales Pitch & Proposal Deck Copy

Supported sales with copy for a new sales pitch & proposal deck using new positioning and messaging framework.

ADR Email Sprint Copy

Created an email sprint sequence to help sales reps reach and engage product builders looking for high-quality places data.

Nurture Email Edits

Edited SafeGraph’s existing email nurture sequence to bring in more qualified leads.

Ad Copy Review

Audited and refined current ad copy to ensure it aligned with new strategy.

The Olivine Team

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